A healthy baby boy named Lalo was just born, according to Jivunben Rabari. (IMAGES: Gallo Images/Getty Images).
This retiree has realized her lifelong ambition to have children.
A healthy baby boy named Lalo was born to Jivunben Rabari, 70, of western Gujarat state in India. Lalo was conceived through IVF.
Maldhari, Jivunben’s (55) husband, and they are expecting their first child. The couple has been married for 45 years and had given up on having children for many years.
She claims to be 70 years old, making her one of the oldest first-time mothers in the world, despite the fact that she lacks an identification document to support her claim.
Jivunben Rabari with her husband.
For nearly 50 years, Jivunben and her husband Maldhari struggled to conceive. Gallo Images/Getty Images provided the image.
Naresh Bhanushali, the couple’s physician, claims despite being informed of the risks, the couple was adamant that they wanted to become parents through IVF.
A year ago, they approached me. We were hesitant to do this at first due to the woman’s advanced age. We decided to proceed because they were eager to start a family, but Dr. Bhanushali says they were also nervous.
“This situation is extremely unusual. Seeing a woman give birth without any complications is a miracle. ”.
Dr. Bhanushali explains that they had to make sure her uterus was large enough to accommodate a baby before beginning IVF.
Before beginning the IVF process, we had to perform a surgical procedure on the woman.
“First, by recommending oral medications, we helped her menstrual cycle become regular. Then, after menopause caused her uterus to contract, we widened it. Her eggs were fertilized, and a blastocyst was produced and placed in the uterus.
Young Lalo.
Lalo the infant was delivered by C-section in September. (IMAGES: Getty Images/Gallo Images).
“Jivunben kept us inspired even though we were a little wary. She’s a very upbeat person, the gynecologist said.
After two weeks of IVF, the doctor performed a sonogram and observed a fetus growing inside the pensioner’s womb.
The doctor remarked, “Luckily, she got pregnant on the first try.
They allowed the pregnancy to continue for eight months before performing a Caesarean section on Jivunben last month. They later learned that the baby had no deformities.
“We had to perform a C-section to deliver the baby in the eighth month of the pregnancy because the mother’s blood pressure was too high.
“We had a team of medical professionals, including a cardiologist and a doctor, on call. Given her advanced age, anything could have gone wrong.
The mother is also at ease, according to Dr. Bhanushali, and the couple is now happy. “The infant is healthy, and we are closely monitoring the situation. ”.
Young Lalo.
Lalo and Jivunben have returned home in good health. (IMAGES: Getty Images/Gallo Images).
Jivunben is not the eldest Indian woman to give birth. After undergoing IVF using donor eggs and her husband Raja Rao’s (80) sperm, Mangayamma Yaramati, then 74, of southern Andhra Pradesh gave birth to healthy twin girls in 2019.
Leading IVF expert Kamini Patel advised that women older than 52 should not undergo IVF.
IVF should not be used after the age of 52, although there are currently no laws or regulations prohibiting it. According to Dr. Patel, if a woman is physically, mentally, and medically fit, her chances of becoming pregnant are 50% if her uterus is healthy.
The doctors in this case must have administered the treatment for moral and emotional reasons, but a woman of that age should not have received it.
The truly taxing part starts after the procedure because pregnancy itself puts the heart and other organs at risk because it adds to the body’s load. ”.
Though there isn’t a set age requirement for IVF in South Africa, the Cape Fertility Clinic advises that a person be under 45 unless they are using donor eggs. One who uses donor eggs must be 50 years old or older.